A World Transformed The year is 2124. You stand before a time traveler, one who has journeyed from a future forever altered. Their eyes hold the weight of history, a past filled with struggle and a future brimming with possibility. Here’s a glimpse of the world they describe:From War to Harmony: The scars of conflict have faded. Nations have chosen diplomacy over destruction. Technological advancements in communication and peacekeeping have fostered a global community. Differences are celebrated, not demonized. Hunger Eradicated: Food scarcity is a relic of the past. Sustainable farming practices, coupled with advancements in biotechnology, have ensured an abundance of nutritious food for all. Hunger pangs are replaced with the joy of shared meals and cultural exchange.Stars in Our Eyes: Humanity’s gaze has turned skyward. Exploration is not a privilege for the few, but a shared dream. Advances in space travel have opened the cosmos to all. We are no longer bound to Earth, but citizens of a vast and wondrous universe.